Sonntag, 14. Juli 2013

New Kid on the Block

We've been riding our MTBs over an uncountable number of years in a relatively small group every Sunday. A few years ago one of our friends decided to ride slower and not on Sundays, but due to his retirement rather during the week. 1 DOWN. Pretty much that time a younger gun joined our group, making us three riders again. 1UP. Just 3 years ago another sharp rider joined in, at first with a pretty poor bike, but then he was pretty well trained to make up what he missed in technology and comfort. Now he has improved his gear to a Carbon Fully. 1 UP. And of today there is another one joining in. A "Sella Ronda" veteran and also pretty sharp. I heartily welcome him and really enjoy riding with this group: Andi, René, Helmut and Paolo. They let me be the oldest by far (thanks, lads), but then they don't let me slow down by pushing hard.

Montag, 1. Juli 2013

Culture around Bushhill

We regularly ride these hills as they are the only hill in the near. Time and again we also realise that's there a lot of culturaL creativity strewn over the meadows and places. So last Subday again a ride that stopped at a number of works of art. Fits nicely into the art of riding your bike totally cross country thoughwaist high grass and undergrowth. Anyway we enjoyed it very much.