Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2012

Last of a fine year

Another of these Sunday morning rides - and again an especially enjoyable one. Renè and Andi showed me how to ride steep climbs fast (at least not as slow as me), René and I showed Andi how to ride downhills, we showed each other how to ride technical trails (this time the Beaver-Trail along the Russbach-creek), Andi showed René and me how to ride up a very steep ledge and I showed the boys how to ride the well known trails in new and thrilling combinations by yelling directions at them from the back of the pack. 2.5 hrs later we were a bit spent, thirsty and hilarious (so much oxygen takes its toll).
Having finished the riding year in style, let's look forward to the trails to come.
The best of health to you! Cheers! and 

Montag, 24. Dezember 2012

Snowride 1

Another chance to challenge the snow-covered trails in the woods around our homes: and again a challenge it really was. Logs - ice covered, ditches - filled with snow, unfathomable, uphills - hard to climb, downhills - helter skelter and hoping that the tires don't get a grip when just sliding in parallel mode pushed by gravity.

And then after 2.5 hrs you come back like the tiger in the famous Limerick: with a smile on the face and the trail solidly tackled.
René and I rode the woods; the other three walked the woods - but afterwards we met for a refreshing drink and traded unbelievable minor stunts - no kidding!!!

Samstag, 22. Dezember 2012

Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2012

Sunday Morning Treat

7:00 a.m. Getting up and a first look out of the window - looks freezing cold like -10°C: breakfast, dress and don't think twice
8:30 a.m. Renè has just arrived wearing some cloth under his helmet - it's definitely cold today, else he wouldn't bother. The sun is rising, the sky is blue and clear, we decide to rather stick to the woods as there is a stiff NW-wind blowing.
9:30 a.m. Having climbed Kirchenwald (hard) and cruised over to some old earthworks right in the forest which make up a technical trail segment we were in another hard climb which led to some soul cruising on a mildly climbing trail with patches of snow and the sun shining through the leafless trees.
Then we scared some 20 wild boars that let to them thundering with top speed through the underbrush which scared us a bit in return. Downhill and up again and finally arriving near Heiligenberg.
10:10 a.m. That was where we left the cover of the forest and rode against the stiff NW wind, ice cold. Through Niederkreuzstetten up the Ochsenberg and finally the technical downhill "Hubertus extrem" (we haven't come through for some time, so it's a bit overgrown; but still nice).
11:00 Reminiscing and having a beer.
Today's count: 2:20 hrs/25 km/550 altitude metres
Overall rating: Nothing new, but rewarding as there are some technical sections. **** of ten